Saturday, September 12, 2009

History of China

History of China listed in records-records that form the traditional history since the time of Three and Five Figures Majesty Maharaja at about 5,000 years ago, and is supported by archaeological records-records that form since the 16th century BC. China is one of the oldest continual civilization in the world. Tortoiseshell with signs that evoke memories of ancient Chinese writings than being on the Shang Dynasty around 1500 BC, followed pentarikhan carbon. Chinese civilization originated than city-states in the Yellow River valley. BC 221 years are usually accepted as the year when China unified under a large empire or the Roman Empire. Dynasties in succession in the history of China has developed various bureaucratic systems to allow the emperor of China over a large area.

Principles of Chinese civilization consists rather than the imposition of the same writing system by the emperor of Qin Dynasty in the 3rd century BC and the development of the national ideology based on Confucianism in the 2nd century BC. China experienced the ages that criss-seli between fusion and division, with kekadangnya conquest by foreigners. Sebilangan assimilated into the conqueror of China. Influences of culture and politics of many in the Asian portion carrying penghijrahan waves, expansion, and assimilation of a row to create a culture of China.

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